Media Coverage

May 10th, 2013

Consumers Prefer Beyonce as a Blonde

Consumers Prefer Beyonce as a Blonde


Natalie Zmuda


Natalie Zmuda, AdAge

(Or at Least in a Bikini)

Blondes may or may not have more fun, but at least in the case of Beyonce, blonde
makes for a more popular ad.

Last week H&M rolled out two ads [below] featuring the pop star. In one, her hair is
blond and she’s wearing a swimsuit, in the other it’s brunette and she’s wearing a
revealing dress. Both ads feature the same song and similar dance routines.
The ad featuring Beyonce as a blonde scored significantly better with consumers, and
16% of consumers mentioned the singer by name, according to research from

In contrast, in the ad featuring Beyonce as a brunette, attention scores were lower and only 7% of consumers referenced the singer by name. Of course, it could be that the Beyonce in a bikini outperforms Beyonce in a wet, clinging dress. Beyonce also appeared as a blonde in an ad for Pepsi recently. But whereas the H&M ads appealed to both women and men, the Pepsi ad generally scored better with women, according to AceMetrix, leaving men unimpressed.

Read the original article on AdAge.

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