Media Coverage

June 13th, 2016

PoliMedia — Priorities USA ‘Grace’ ad performs well with women and millennials

PoliMedia — Priorities USA ‘Grace’ ad performs well with women and millennials


Ace Metrix, which measures the effectiveness of video ads, just tested the Priorities USA “Grace” ad to see how it performed compared to other anti-Trump ads. We found that the ad was the most Attention getting political ad of 2016 among women (742), millennials (756), voters with incomes over $75K (748) – and Independents (715). This ad drew more attention than the previously released and highly effective (Our Principles PAC) “Quotes,” which featured women reading Trump’s quotes about women.

“Grace” also boasted the highest Credibility scores of the year among women and millennials, the 3rd highest among high-income voters, and the 7th highest among swing voters.

In terms of changing the likelihood of voting, Ace Metrix uses the Impact Score to gauge change by asking “How does this ad change the likelihood that you will vote for this candidate?” Based on a sliding scale from 1-100, a score of 50 indicates no real influence either way. Negative/attack ads will often see Impact scores well below 50, meaning the ad influenced voters to be less likely to vote for the subject candidate.

“Grace” had its strongest negative Impact among high-income voters, women, and millennials. With an Impact score of 40, this was the 2nd most Impactful ad of the year among voters with incomes over $75K. “Grace” came in at #11 among all 310 political ads aired in 2016 on Impact among voters aged 18-35 (Impact: 37), many of whom are still yearning for Bernie and need to be convinced to vote for another candidate. Among women (Impact: 34), it came in as the 15th highest.

On the heels of the highly effective PAC-funded “Grace,” (from pro-Clinton Priorities USA), now comes a counter attack from the pro-Trump Rebuilding America PAC. “More of the Same” is the first effort from Rebuilding America, which has reportedly raised $32 million to support Trump, and offers a juxtaposition of the Hillary Clinton email scandal with those from her husband’s term as POTUS. The ad suggests Hillary is just another “same old, same old politician.”

  • “More of the Same” has emerged as the pro-Trump camp as their strongest effort to date this election cycle.  Among Independent voters, this ad garnered the highest Attention of all 18 pro-Trump ads airing since January 1st.  Moreover, the spot was the best of Trump’s messages to see swing voters indicating they Learned from the ad, and would Seek out additional Information because of it.
  • Overall, the ad succeeded in garnering Attention, with above norm (for 2016 presidential ads) Attention scores across voting parties (2nd highest in Attention among the party faithful and 11th highest among swing voters), women, and Millennials aged 18-35
  • Among Republicans, this ad scored well on all performance measures, and came in just behind the Great America PAC sponsored “Vice President” and just ahead of its “America Needs Donald Trump” spot, with an overall Ace Score of 559 (100 points over the Republican norm.)
  • Among Millennials, “More of the Same” pulled in the highest scores among Trump’s ads to date for Attention, Agreement, Learning, and Relevance, while boasting the second highest in Seeking Information.
  • Women found the new spot the strongest from the pro-Trump camp to date in terms of grabbing their Attention, Learning from the ad, and being inspired to Seek out more Information, while finding it the second most Agreeable Trump ad to date.

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