May 9th, 2014

Last Minute Gift Ideas for Mom based on the Ads She Loves


Ace Metrix


With Mother’s Day fast approaching, we thought we’d mine the data to see which brands and ads are winning with moms so far this year. Of the nearly 3,000 ads scored in 2014, we looked at the brands that have run at least three ads and examined the top performers among women with children at home.

An eclectic set demonstrates mom’s proclivity toward the practical. Categories earning the highest scores from moms are unsurprisingly heavy on household goods but also include Delivery Services and Home Improvement Stores. The Corporate Branding category earns a seat based heavily on mom’s affinity to P&G’s Olympic campaign.

Four Last Minute Gift Ideas
(Based on Some of Mom’s Favorite Ads this Year)


Treat mom to a home improvement project

After the supplies mom needs to keep the home front running smooth, her favorite spots are from Home Depot and Lowe’s. Both brands have been prolific advertisers this year with an eye on capturing female attention. Lowe’s, in fact, has featured women as the lead or solo in 11% of their ads.

The latest spot from Lowe’s tops the category for the last 30 days and features Mom on a business trip dialing home to chat with the family. Women with children at home could clearly relate to the ad and gave it a 731. So take the hint and treat mom to a shopping spree at her local home improvement store.

Mom really does want a new vacuum

Dyson tops the Appliance category with two ads for its cordless vacuums. Among Moms, Dyson’s average Desire score is 755 – 34% above average.

Six percent of women who left optional comments said the “want” the vacuum – and after all, shouldn’t mom get what she wants?

Mom deserves a night out AND a night off

Sure, who doesn’t love the mouthwatering steak shots and fun scenes of dinner out. But moms have consistently awarded top scores to Outback, Olive Garden and Longhorn Steakhouse this year; all three have a seat at the table of top scoring brands across all categories. And what are the ads that have garnered the highest scores? Olive Garden’s return of the By One Get One offer. This ad earned an Ace Score of 777 among moms with a Desire score reaching an incredible 822, 42% above the average Desire score for Casual Dining, which incidentally is the highest Desire score of any ad so far this year among moms. So take mom out to dinner and extend the Mother’s Day celebration with your pre-filled doggie bags.

Take a cue from Cheerios, do something clever special

As pointed out earlier, the top performing categories according to Mom encompass household products she needs to keep her home healthy, fed and groomed. And many of the ads within those categories are touting the product values over brand values. In contrast, Cheerios consistently delivers ads that give us that warm fuzzy feeling. This Cheerios Mother’s Day spot earned the highest score among moms of the Cereal category at 742. Likeability scores are a chart topping 822 – the fifth highest of any ad (among moms) this year. Guess which ad mom scored number one in Likeability (and Attention for that matter)? It involves a puppy, a horse and a big beer brand.

Enjoy your Sunday, celebrate Mom and let us know if you are interested in digging into what makes Dad tick as you create your Father’s Day media plan.



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