August 3rd, 2015

A New AD-itude


Ace Metrix

This past week at Ace Metrix, we celebrated an exciting accomplishment of our own CEO Peter Daboll. After months of writing and relentless editing and enhancements, Peter released his book, “AD-itude,” and shares his experiences and perspective with the advertising world.



We’re thrilled that Peter took the time and risks associated with putting pen to paper, scribing his own story, riddled with provocative ideas and compelling examples, and explaining to marketers how to determine what works and why in video advertising.

In his own words, when speaking to his team at Ace Metrix:

“I’ve learned that writing a book is hard work, very humbling and can make one feel a bit vulnerable…”


“I think  <my perspective> has struck a nerve in the industry– that there was too much focus on predicting things that are almost impossible to predict, rather than testing things that are easy to test. And in the “right message, right person, right time, right context” advertising equation, “right message” is always most important. And that is what we measure better than anyone else in the world.”


It has been exciting to watch this story come to life and be available to marketers everywhere and I’m sure that it’s just the beginning of a longer, important conversation. You can learn more about the book at or you can do yourself a favor and click right through to Amazon and purchase the hardcover or Kindle version today.


Peter would love to hear your thoughts after reading it. You can follow #Aditudebook on twitter and Facebook, and please do share your feedback.




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