November 13th, 2019

[Infographic] The Emotions Behind Super Bowl Ads


Ace Metrix

Less than three months until Super Bowl Sunday! That’s less than three months for advertisers to plan, produce (if they haven’t already), pre-test and make effective tweaks to their game day creative. With a lot at stake, those last two steps are crucial for helping brands achieve their objectives, whether it’s making a cultural impact, building awareness, connecting emotionally, or driving sales. 

With ten years of Super Bowl ad data at our fingertips, we’ve analyzed countless game day trends and know what works. Using Ace EMO, our emotion measurement platform, we’ve identified the most common emotions among Super Bowl ads. We’ve found that not all emotions impact equally, with some determining successes and others flops. 

Get a taste of our emotional Super Bowl data in the infographic below:

Ace Metrix: Super Bowl Emotions [Infographic]

Pretest-your Super Bowl LIV creative with us to make sure you’re achieving your emotional (and rational) objectives and compare performance results to the best & worst from 10 years of Game Day data — Contact us!


About Ace EMO: Ace EMO measures the presence and strength of emotional connection in advertising. The proprietary approach quantifies nearly 60 emotions and reactions such as: Heartfelt, Nostalgia, Humor, Authentic, Dishonest, Preachy, and Sexist. Scores are passively derived from voluntary respondent verbatim comments using Natural Language Processing and machine learning analysis. Each of the 57 emotions are evaluated relative to all other ads in the Ace Metrix database, totaling over ten million verbatims.


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